Monday, August 11, 2014

What is LOVE?

What is love? What is supposed to mean "to love" someone? 

These question have many answer and I'm going to give you my honest one.

Lately, there are misconceptions about what love really is or what it should be. I am a One Direction Fan, and as one, its basically my job to read fan fictions. There is a stereotype and a pattern in these stories that's quite alarming. The majority of the writers seem to believe that if it's not consuming, draining and heartbreaking then it is not love. If this is the reality we're currently living in, and if this is what those writers really and truthfully believe, then there is something wrong. 

Speaking from experience, being in a relationship that consumes you, destroys you inside out and changes your essence it's not way to live. Some people think that if you don't fight hard enough it is not really true love, and I am here to tell you that is simply wrong. It is out of love that you fought as long as you could, it is out of love you tried to fix that one person and it is out of love that you choose to let go. But everything in this world has a limit, even love itself. Nothing is worth it if you have to give up or sacrifice any part of yourself. 

I'm here to tell you love doesn't have to be difficult, consuming, devastating, dramatic or heartbreaking. It can be as simple as breathing, it could be perfect by just being. There is nothing more comforting than laying on a couch, eating pizza and watching movies. It might sound boring, and it is, if you are alone. If your significant other is by your side, holding you, making you laugh and just loving you, simple tasks like watching movies can become magical. 

Love doesn't have to be draining, you are not supposed to cry 5 out of seven days of the week, not of sadness anyways, but of joy and happiness and laughter. You're supposed to be in utter and absolute bliss because after everything, you have finally found someone who loves you in return and there is no better feeling that than. 

So there. That is my opinion on LOVE. Of course we all see it from different points of view, we have different experiences. But in general, it is supposed to make you feel the same way inside: HAPPY. 

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